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Wenn Sie eine korrekte E-Mail aus unserer Datenbank eingegeben haben, werden wir Ihnen Ihr neues Passwort an diese Adresse senden.
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Zurzeit ist dieser Bereich nur registrierten Kyocera Partnern und Mitarbeitern von KYOCERA Document Solutions zugänglich. Ihr bisheriges, lokales Extranet bleibt weiterhin verfügbar und ist über die u. g. Schaltfläche erreichbar.
These Data Processing Terms and Conditions serve as a binding contract and regulate the mandatory provisions requested by Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation. They apply to those services as listed in Annex 1 of the document. The Kyocera Data Processing Terms and Conditions also refer to Standard Contractual Clauses as well as a list of sub-processors engaged by Kyocera.
Below you can download the Kyocera Data Processing Terms and Conditions document in English and other languages where Kyocera acts as a processor on behalf of its customers as data controllers.
As referenced in Article 9.1 of the Kyocera Data Processing Terms and Conditions, these Standard Contractual Clauses constitute Annex 2 and apply where the customer as data controller exports personal data to a third country for which the European Commission has not issued an adequacy decision.
As referenced in Article 3.1 of the Kyocera Data Processing Terms and Conditions, the document you can find in the link below lists all sub-processors which may be engaged by Kyocera to deliver respective Kyocera services.
As referenced in Article 5.1 and 6.1 of the Kyocera Data Processing Terms and Conditions, Kyocera has implemented technical and organisational measures to process personal data in a secure manner. You can find an overview of these measures taken with regards to KYOCERA Fleet Services in the document below.